Twenty Questions : Clark Neville
Twenty Questions : Clark Neville, Warehouse Manager
A quickFIRE 20 question SESSION for our warehouse manager, clark neville, on all the important things in life!
Question one : give us a quick run down of a typical day at suna for you?
I am always the first to arrive, to open up the office and warehouse. I’ll have a cup of coffee, check orders that are due to go out for any shortages, book in all the orders that have been delivered. If I have time I will pack up all the accessories for jobs that are due to go out. Once the designers are in I will liaise with them for any ad hoc work that needs doing, like spraying furniture to create a unique item for a scheme.
QUESTION TWO : If you weren’t in your current role, what other career could you have seen yourself doing?
Long distance lorry driver.
QUESTION three : What does an ‘ideal weekend’ look like?
Going fishing, or to historical places with my wife.
QUESTION four : tell us about your Favourite Suna interior design project?
Lansdown Place show home in Claygate, for Antler Homes, I was lucky enough to deliver some lights there after the job was completed. The place looked so amazing, they used it on the ITV Christmas advert that year.
QUESTION five : describe yourself in three words.
Hardworking, friendly and lovable.
QUESTION SIX : Tell us something about you that we would never guess?
I have never been on an aeroplane.
QUESTION SEVEN : Tell us about something you do particularly well?
My DIY skills are legendary in my own house.
QUESTION EIGHT : And something you’re not so good at?
QUESTION NINE : What kind of kid were you?
QUESTION TEN : if money were no object, what would you buy?
The most expensive fishing pole, for around £6,000 or a Ferrari 250GT California Spider.
QUESTION ELEVEN : What fictional character do you most admire?
Captain Kirk, Star Trek.
QUESTION TWELVE : Which person in real life do you most admire?
There are actually two of them, my wife for putting up with me, and Malala Yousafzai, the school girl from Pakistan.
QUESTION THIRTEEN : Favourite film?
Angels with Dirty Faces (James Cagney)
QUESTION FOURTEEN : Favourite restaurant?
Tas Turkish Restaurant in Cheam
QUESTION FIFTEEN : Favourite late night snack?
QUESTION SIXTEEN : City break or beach?
QUESTION SEVENTEEN : Favourite city?
Vatican City
QUESTION EIGHTEEN : Favourite hotel?
Lumley Castle in Chester Le Street. I have just come back from there having celebrated my 25th Wedding Anniversary there.
15th Century cottage beside a lake or a river.
AND FINALLY, QUESTION TWENTY : What advice would you give the teenage you?
Listen to the advice you are given, you don’t know everything.
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