More love, less landfill
‘More love, less landfill’
Designing tomorrow, our commitment to positive change
In 2024, we've committed to allocating time and funds to a meaningful charity that aligns with our values, fostering collaborations with companies in the interiors and property development sectors. We're eager to share this initiative with our clients and suppliers, confident that this charity will greatly benefit from your support as well.
Read on to find out more about our partnership with Furnishing Futures and our collaborative endeavors for the upcoming year.
Furnishing Futures is an innovative new charity, based in Leyton, East London, founded by social worker and interior designer Emily Wheeler. They combine social work values with interior design skills to create homes for women and children escaping domestic abuse who are placed in empty social housing or living with furniture poverty, and who have experienced multiple disadvantages and trauma.
They do this by saving good quality furniture from landfill and partnering with the interiors industry, to design, fully furnish and decorate families' homes.
They are a registered charity that is partnered with specialist domestic abuse services and grassroots organisations, and they have developed relationships with
some of the UK’s best known interiors brands, stylists and designers who donate the products that go into the homes they create.
"We create homes for women and children who have escaped
domestic abuse. We use good quality items donated by the interiors industry that might otherwise end up in landfill.
A sustainable solution to two unsustainable problems"
Emily Wheeler, Founder of Furnishing Futures
How Suna Interior Design are helping…
We've contributed the equivalent value of our Christmas gifts to the Big Give Christmas Challenge, actively supporting Furnishing Futures in surpassing their £40,000 goal. Explore the Furnishing Futures website to discover how your contribution can make a meaningful impact and learn more about the cause.
In 2024, members of our team will be engaging in volunteering opportunities with Furnishing Futures. From providing hands-on support in their warehouse to assisting with furniture donation transportation and pickups, we're excited about collaborating with the FF team throughout the year.
When a developer asks us to reinvent a show home in a new plot there's often furniture that ends up in storage. What better way to give it a new purpose than redirecting it to Furnishing Futures, where it can be utilised in one of their projects or sold in one of their famous Warehouse Sale fundraisers. A bit of a no-brainer...
Furnishing Futures tailors unique interior design schemes for every client, addressing their specific needs. To refine each design, they compile Wishlists with essential items for the families they assist. As part of our commitment to help out, we're setting up a monthly fund and will ask each of our team to head over to these Amazon Wishlists and get shopping on behalf of Furnishing Future clients.
And finally, we are going to sit down with our team and fashion a fundraiser, coming up with some ideas for how we can raise money for Furnishing Futures.
Pub quiz, furniture sale, interior design auction, we need some ideas!
Watch this space to find out more!
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