Positive, Spirited & Confident.

QUESTION TWo : Give us a quick rundown of a typical day at Suna for you?

Every day can be different at Suna. Usually, I am managing the installation of the projects. So, communicating with the operations team, site managers, clients, and sub-contractors, ensuring the scheme will be installed successfully and as presented. I also assist with accessories, artwork, selecting fabrics and any furniture reselections. As well as, planning and preparing upcoming #SunaSocials for the team.

QUESTION Three : What’s your favourite Suna project?

Williamson Heights, Wembley. I love this scheme. The contrast of the fabrics and the decorating are just beautiful and work so well together. It is such a cool vibe. I remember the designer Ella creating the artwork for the bedroom. All these little things eventually come together to have such a great impact! It’s great to be part of the process.

QUESTION four : Tell us something about you we would never guess?

I could whistle before I could talk. Michael Jackson was a favourite according to my mum.

QUESTION five : If you had £1,000,000, what would you spend it on?

I would buy a house in London, then rent this out whilst I travel the world for the foreseeable. 

QUESTION six : Favourite drink?

Chamomile tea, oat milk and honey. It’s a firm favourite in the Suna office at the moment. It reminds me of Horlicks, which is very nostalgic.

QUESTION seven : Least favourite drink?

Kombucha. I want to love it as it’s health benefits are crazy! However, after watching my sister ferment her own last year, I just can’t get on board. 

QUESTION eight : Favourite film?

The Full Monty. I love everything about it, particularly the music and Robert Carlyle.

QUESTION nine : What are your top three pet peeves?

Spitting, littering and motorbikes. Not too sure where the hatred for motorbikes comes from, I think it’s the noise!

QUESTION ten : Favourite holiday destination?

Uruguay in South America, it is so beautiful. I have the best memory of drinking beers, watching the sunset, and listening to the White Album with some newfound hostel friends here!

QUESTION eleven : What does an ‘ideal weekend’ look like for you?

Somewhere in the country, with fields as far as you can see. Just hanging out, playing catch, and watching the sunset. Or quite the opposite, a rave on a Goan beach.

QUESTION twelve : Dream home?

My dream home changes all the time! Currently I am obsessed with Kristina Ahoi’s Instagram page featuring her Hamburg apartment. The wooden floors and stripped back interiors are beautiful, complimented by the sunlight which fills the space so perfectly. I love the artwork, and the vinyl’s are just great. I could really imagine myself living here. 

QUESTION thirteen : What’s your favourite or earliest memory?

My dad used to be a professional rugby player, so rugby was always a big part of our lives when I was younger. My earliest memory was waking up on a Saturday morning to my dad celebrating at the TV. I walked downstairs in my little pj’s, and my dad was sat crossed legged in the middle of the sofa watching the All Blacks play. I sat with him and watched the rest of the game. I think I was about 4.

QUESTION fourteen : Who do you look up to and what qualities do your admire about that person?

My sister Rebecca and our Aunty Penny. They are both unconventional, strong, intelligent women. They both have such addictive energies! I am so grateful to have them.

QUESTION fifteen : Favourite book?

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Such a gorgeous book, I would recommend it to anyone wanting to be the best version of themselves!

QUESTION sixteen : If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Artichoke. The dream!

QUESTION seventeen : If you had to choose to live in another time period, when would that be?

Late 1960s/1970’s, I would have loved to be a teen during the Northern soul movement. The music, the dancing. Incredible!

QUESTION eighteen : What’s your go-to dish when you have to make dinner?

Green mac and cheese. It’s a Jamie Oliver recipe, super easy to make and delicious.

QUESTION nineteen : What advice would you give the teenage/child you?

Just chill out, you’re great.

QUESTION twenty : What is your favourite possession/piece of furniture/interior item that you own?

A couple of years ago I found a huge, framed Edward Hopper print in my local charity shop. For £5!